# GitHub Cli Exercises
# get-lab-names
Using the GH REST API, make a gh alias get-lab-names
to get the names of the repos inside an organization sorted by last push
- Section GH REST API
- Section Exercise: Search for repos inside an organization inside the section gh Alias
# Issues of a repo
Using the GH REST API, make a gh alias repo-issues-get
to get the issues of a repo.
- sections Example: Issues of a repo and
- section Templates for the output
# Create repo
Using the GH REST API, make a gh alias repo-create
to create a repo. See
section POST Example: Create a Repo
# List all repos in an organization
Using the GH REST API, make a gh alias org-repos-list
to list all repos in an organization. See
section Pagination of the GH REST API chapter
# Formatted Issue list
Using the GH REST API and a Go template, make a gh alias repo-issues-list
to list all issues of a repo in a formatted way.
See section Templates for the output
# Number of repos in an organization using GraphQL
Using the GH GraphQL API write a gh extension org-num-repos
to count the number of repos in an organization. See
section Example: Number of repos in an Organization
# Get the Issues
Using the GH GraphQL API write a gh alias repo-issues-get
to get the issues of a repo. See the section Getting issues
A solution is in folder learning-graphql-with-gh/gh-graphql-connection-example (opens new window)
# List all repos in an organization with GraphQL
Using the GH GraphQL API, make a gh extension org-repos-list
to list all repos in an organization. See
section Pagination of the GH GraphQL API chapter
See a solution at folder learning-graphql-with-gh/org-getallrepos-graphql-pagination (opens new window)
# Add a Reaction
Using the GH GraphQL API write a gh alias issue-add-reaction
- find an issue of a given repo by number and
- adds a given reaction to the issue.
See the section Mutation of the GraphQL Examples chapter
A solution is at folder /learning-graphql-with-gh/addreactiontoissue (opens new window)
# Rename a repo
Using the GH GraphQL API write a gh alias repo-rename
to rename a repo.
See the sections Mutation and the section Rename Repository of the GraphQL Examples chapter
See folder learning-graphql-with-gh/repo-rename-mutation (opens new window) for a solution
# Add a Reply to a Comment in a Discussion
Using the GH GraphQL API write gh scripts to
- Get the discussions of some repo
- Get the comments in a discussion
- Add a reply to a comment in a discussion
See the sections
- Mutation and the section
- Add Reply to Discussion Comment
of the GraphQL Examples chapter
See also learning-graphql-with-gh/discussions-mutation (opens new window) for a solution to the exercise